I am an honest-to-goodness even (ask any R-MWC/RC alum), and I can feel 2012's awesomeness already. Great things seem to happen in the even years - my birth (wink, wink), all graduations, one of my two children, World Equestrian Games, and the Olympics - just to name a few!!! Except for the onslaught of negative media that accompanies presidential campaigns, even years tend to bring great progress & excitement, and I suspect 2012 will be no different!
The biggest thing going on at the farm right now is getting this Pony B&B going - construction always takes twice as long as anticipated, and except for Gretchen Yahn, I don't think there are very many type A's in the business. So, I am trying to be patient as the engineers work out the final details. In the meantime, here are a few pictures of the progress to date, which has mostly consisted of moving a lot of dirt and building Bruce the pond he has always wanted ;).
So far, lots of dirt . . . |
Bruce's new pond and road |
The view from Bruce's new road :) |
View from the back - look closely for the stake on the left - rear corner of the barn. You can also find the pile of old water lines that of course ran right under the new barn - which meant twice as much digging and laying all new pipe - typical! |
My reflective photo - Barney and Glory's new run-in shed of 2011! She finally went in when it got down to single digits this week with 30 mph wind - silly ponies! |