Saturday, March 23, 2013

Clinic and Saddle Fitting Update

Okay, so winter has returned, but only briefly, I hope!  Bruce dragged the paddocks yesterday while I put down more grass seed - I'm acting like it's spring no matter what!  And snow is good for grass seed, right?

Here is the latest update on the clinics and saddle fitting weekends coming up:

Lauren Sprieser April Clinic:
Sunday, April 14
Sydney Stephens & Glory
Michaela Bethard & Boundary
Caroline Stephens & Three Times
Molly Watson & Chippy

Monday, April 15
Caroline Stephens & Glory
Molly Watson & Chippy
Caroline Stephens & Three Times

Saddle Fitting with Colleen Meyer/Advanced Saddle Fit:
Sunday, April 28
Sydney Stephens & Glory
Michaela Bethard & Boundary
Barbara Nelson x 2 ponies
Caroline Stephens & Three Times
Molly Watson & Chippy

Lauren Sprieser May Clinic:
Friday, May 10
Caroline Stephens & Three Times
Molly Watson & Chippy
Sydney Stephens & Glory
Michaela Bethard & Boundary
Kim Huffman & Navina/?

Saturday, May 11
Molly Watson & Chippy
Caroline Stephens & Three Times
Michaela Bethard & Boundary
Barbara Nelson & pony #1
Sydney Stephens & Glory
Barbara Nelson & pony #2

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring is coming, and so is a clinic schedule!

Spring is in the air - 60+degree air today - hallelujah!  Our first two clinics with Lauren Sprieser have been added to the farm calendar:

Sunday, April 14 - Monday, April 15
Friday, May 10 - Saturday, May 11

We are super excited to have everyone back on the farm and hope that everyone's horses have faired well over the winter and are ready to get back into training mode. 

We are also trying to nail down a saddle fitting visit from Colleen Meyer of Advanced Saddle Fit (  It looks like the last weekend of April (27-28ish) might be the date.  Several of our regulars have already expressed an interest in having saddles re-fitted or getting their ponies fitted for the first time, so hopefully this date will work for you.

Please let me know if you want to ride in either/both clinics with Lauren and which day works best.  I will post other clinic dates as we get them scheduled, so check back with us for more news!
