Saturday, February 13, 2010

Does anyone else's WB not handle change very well? Or does everyone's WB not handle change very well?

Caruso has many wonderful qualities, but brave is not a word I would use to describe him, especially when he's had to be hand walked for several days with no real turnout! I was determined to get him out of the barn today, and the smallest drifts were going to the paddocks vs. the walls of snow between the barn and arena. So, I put his hay out first so that he would have something to do immediately when he went out instead of worrying about the snow and his buddies in the barn. I wish I had a video of his reaction. First, he didn't know whether to try to walk through or jump over the drifts . . . pretty funny to watch him ponder this . . . but he absolutely lost it when he saw hay on the ground inside the gate (I usually bring hay out after I've turned everyone out). It took a minute or so to stop the jumping from side to side like a cutting horse and get him to go thru the gate. Then he ran around the hay like an idiot for several minutes while I brought out our old thoroughbred to keep him company and show him how real horses behave. Of course Fizzie (the TB) moseyed out, thru the drifts, thru the gate, and immediately started eating, at which point Caruso finally stopped snorting and running and began munching for the next hour. Ah, fancy warmbloods . . .

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